Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What do I do with spare time???

Well, I like to do many activities during my spare time… but a few days ago I decided on being artistic (or at least try to be artistic).  Here are my results:


001 I decided to try painting my light switch and back of my door (which is why my door is two colors instead of the usual one ;) but I believe the door will be completed another day.

004 Mixing colors to paint my light switch (aren’t they pretty)


009 The three colors (to the left) were for my flowers on the picture.

010 The original “completed” light switch cover.

023 The end result (excuse the missing screw and the crack ;)

By the way, I have not officially decided what to paint on the door so if you have an idea, let me know.


Emily said...

The light switch cover is so cute! :)

Hayden said...

You've been tagged! http://everystory-storygirl.blogspot.com/2012/10/ive-been-tagged.html